Where young players soar

We take the running of our club very seriously. 

As a junior only hockey club, everything to do with Welfare is our top priority. 

And as a registered charity, we govern ourselves closely, with our members, their families and the wider community in mind. 

If you are a member or take part in HC Hawks activity in anyway (or parent of an associated young person), please familiarise yourself with the documents and policies outlined below. 

Club Documents and Policies

We take running our club very seriously, so players can have fun.

The below items either include our policy statements or have links to major documents.

If you are a club member, please take time to understand our policies using these documents.

Club Constitution

Our club has been formed to empower and support its members.

We care that our members and their families have a say in how the club is run. We care that the club is a “community” association. We care that we are transparent and accountable.

We hope this is reflected in the latest version of the constitution:


Health and Safety Policy Statement

HAWKS HOCKEY CLUB is strongly committed to encouraging our members to take part, but

the health, well-being and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern. We

recommend levels of training dependent on age and ability, and expect our junior athletes to

participate within these boundaries.

To support our Health and Safety Policy we are committed to our Health and Safety Policy Statement

Concussion Policy

Hawks Hockey Club adheres to the  England Hockey Concussion Policy

Child Protection & Wellbeing Policy Statement

Hawks Hockey Club is fully committed to safeguarding, promoting and supporting the
protection and wellbeing of all children in our care. We recognise our responsibility to
promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. We
embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of all children and young
people. Everyone at the club will be made aware of the policies and procedures in place
to protect children in our care and to promote their wellbeing. Please read our Hawks Hockey Club – Child Protection and Wellbeing Policy Statement

Safeguarding Policy

Hawks HC is a junior focused hockey club and a registered Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO), as such, safeguarding is a priority in everything we do.

If you have ANY current safeguarding concerns, please contact the Welfare Officer who’s details can be found on the contacts page.

To review our full safeguarding policy and procedures, please read the Hawks Safeguarding Policy document

Wellbeing Policy

Hawks HC is a field hockey club that welcomes players of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. We are passionate about the sport and the benefits it can bring to our wellbeing. We recognise that playing hockey can improve our physical fitness, mental health, social skills, and personal development. We also acknowledge that there may be challenges and pressures that affect our wellbeing, both on and off the pitch. Therefore, we are committed to creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for everyone involved in our club.

Our Aims
Our wellbeing policy aims to:

  • Raise awareness and understanding of wellbeing issues among our members, staff, and volunteers
  • Encourage and enable our members, staff, and volunteers to seek help and support when needed
  • Provide access to information, resources, and services that can enhance our wellbeing
  • Foster a culture of respect, empathy, and kindness within our club
  • Promote positive behaviours and attitudes that contribute to our wellbeing
  • Prevent and address any forms of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or abuse that may harm our wellbeing
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of our wellbeing policy and activities

To achieve our wellbeing aims, we will:

  • Follow the England Hockey Code of Ethics and Behaviour, which sets the standards and values that apply at every level of hockey
  • Implement the England Hockey Safe Hockey guidance, which provides best practice advice on safeguarding, welfare, and risk management
  • Support the England Hockey Mental Wellbeing campaign, which highlights the importance of mental health and wellbeing and the benefits that hockey can bring
  • Appoint a Wellbeing Officer, who will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing our wellbeing policy and activities
  • Provide training and education for our members, staff, and volunteers on wellbeing topics, such as mental health awareness, stress management, and resilience
  • Organise wellbeing activities and events for our members, staff, and volunteers, such as social gatherings, workshops, and fundraisers
  • Establish a peer support network, where our members, staff, and volunteers can share their experiences, offer advice, and provide emotional support to each other
  • Create a wellbeing resource hub, where our members, staff, and volunteers can access relevant and reliable information, tools, and services that can help them with their wellbeing
  • Encourage feedback and suggestions from our members, staff, and volunteers on how to improve our wellbeing policy and activities
  • Review and update our wellbeing policy and activities regularly, based on the feedback and suggestions we receive

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas about our wellbeing policy and activities, please contact our Wellbeing Officer. We are always happy to hear from you and to support you in any way we can.

Code of Conduct


Hawks HC is committed to promoting and strengthening the positive image of hockey, the club, its members, staff, parents, carers, supporters and ensuring that everyone involved in hockey is treated with respect and dignity.

This Code of Conduct aims to ensure that everyone involved in hockey is aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them and the mechanism for dealing with any conduct that is alleged to breach the Code of Conduct.

Application of Code of Conduct

Hawks HC has adopted and follows England Hockey RESPECT Code of Ethics and Behaviour.

England Hockey is responsible for setting the standards and values that apply at every level of hockey, as outlined in the Code of Ethics and Behaviour also known as RESPECT.

Hockey is a sport that should be enjoyed by all who participate, be it as a player, official, volunteer or spectator. By producing this code, England Hockey believes that the highest standards of integrity can be held at all levels of the game and can therefore ensure that the sport is enjoyable for everyone. The code applies to all players who are involved in hockey at all levels.

At Hawks HC we take any breaches of the Code of Ethics and Behaviour seriously. If you believe that a breach has taken place, please contact the relevant club committee or manager.

Disciplinary Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all members of the Hawks HC adhere to the standards of conduct and behaviour expected by the club, the sport governing bodies, and the general public. This policy also outlines the procedures for dealing with any complaints, disputes, or disciplinary issues that may arise within the club.

This policy applies to all members of Hawks HC, including players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and supporters. It covers any activities or events organised, sanctioned, or attended by the club, as well as any communication or publication methods, including social media and WhatsApp.

Conduct and Behaviour
All members of Hawks HC shall:

  • Behave in a respectful, fair, and sportsmanlike manner at all times
  • Respect the decisions of the umpires, coaches, captains, and club officials, and refrain from any dissent, abuse, or intimidation
  • Avoid any violent, aggressive, or deliberately harmful actions towards other players, officials, or spectators
  • Comply with the rules and regulations of the club, the sport governing bodies, and the venues where the club operates
  • Uphold the reputation and image of the club and the sport, and avoid any actions that may bring them into disrepute
  • Report any incidents or concerns to the club committee or the welfare officer as soon as possible

Disciplinary Offences
The following actions may constitute a disciplinary offence and trigger the disciplinary process:

  • Breaching the club’s safeguarding policy or code of conduct
  • Engaging in disrespectful, degrading, intimidating, or bullying language or behaviour towards another club member, a match official, a member of another club, or a member of the public
  • Demonstrating violent, aggressive, or deliberately harmful conduct towards another player, official, or spectator
  • Receiving a red card or a persistent suspension from the field of play
  • Defying the instructions or decisions of a club official, coach, captain, or umpire
  • Failing or refusing to comply with a sanction issued by the disciplinary committee
  • Breaching the club’s or the government’s Covid-19 regulations

Disciplinary Process
The disciplinary process is an impartial mechanism to investigate, review, and decide a course of action that is in the best interests of the club and the individuals involved. The club will ensure that:

  • A full, fair, and rounded investigation will take place
  • The outcome of an investigation will never be pre-judged
  • Only one investigating officer will conduct the investigation, where practical and appropriate
  • Any outcomes and sanctions will be explained personally

The disciplinary process consists of the following steps:

  • A complaint or report of a disciplinary offence is made to the club committee or the welfare officer, either verbally or in writing, within 14 days of the incident
  • The club committee or the welfare officer will appoint an investigating officer, who will gather all relevant information and evidence, and interview the parties involved
  • The investigating officer will present their findings and recommendations to the disciplinary committee, which is composed of the club committee members and the welfare officer
  • The disciplinary committee will review the findings and recommendations, and decide whether a disciplinary hearing is required or not. If not, the disciplinary committee will issue a written decision and notify the parties involved
  • If a disciplinary hearing is required, the disciplinary committee will set a date and time for the hearing, and inform the parties involved of their rights and obligations, such as the right to representation, the right to call witnesses, and the right to appeal
  • The disciplinary hearing will be conducted in a fair and respectful manner, with the opportunity for both sides to present their case and respond to questions
  • The disciplinary committee will deliberate and reach a decision by a majority vote
  • The disciplinary committee will communicate their decision and the reasons for it in writing to the parties involved within 7 days of the hearing. The decision will also include any sanctions imposed and the process for appealing
  • The decision of the disciplinary committee will be final and binding, unless an appeal is lodged within 14 days of receiving the decision

The disciplinary committee may impose any of the following sanctions, depending on the nature and severity of the offence:

  • A verbal or written warning or reprimand
  • A suspension from playing, coaching, officiating, or volunteering for a specified period of time or number of matches
  • A fine or a temporary suspension
  • A requirement to attend an education or counselling program
  • A termination or revocation of membership

The disciplinary committee may also refer the matter to the relevant sport governing body, such as England Hockey, for further action.

A party who is dissatisfied with the decision or sanction of the disciplinary committee may appeal to the appeals committee, which is composed of three independent and impartial members appointed by the club committee.

The grounds for appeal are:

  • A procedural error or a breach of natural justice
  • New or additional evidence that was not available at the time of the hearing
  • The decision or sanction was manifestly unreasonable or disproportionate

The appeal must be made in writing, stating the grounds and reasons for the appeal.

The appeals committee will review the appeal and decide whether to uphold, vary, or overturn the decision or sanction of the disciplinary committee. The appeals committee will communicate their decision and the reasons for it in writing to the parties involved within 14 days of receiving the appeal.

The decision of the appeals committee will be final and binding, and there will be no further right of appeal.

Social Media Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and best practices for the use of social media by Hawks HC, its members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters. Social media refers to any online platform or tool that allows users to create, share, or exchange information, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, X formerly known as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, websites, and forums.

This policy applies to all Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters who use social media in relation to Hawks HC or its activities, whether in an official or personal capacity.

Hawks HC recognises the benefits and opportunities of social media for promoting the club, engaging with the community, and enhancing the sport of field hockey. Hawks HC also acknowledges the potential risks and challenges of social media, such as reputational damage, privacy breaches, legal liability, and cyberbullying. Therefore, Hawks HC expects all social media users to adhere to the following principles:

  • Be respectful, positive, and constructive in your communications. Do not post or share any content that is abusive, offensive, discriminatory, defamatory, or harmful to Hawks HC or any individual or group
  • Be honest, accurate, and transparent in your communications. Do not post or share any false, misleading, or confidential information about Hawks HC or any individual or group. If you make a mistake, correct it promptly and apologise if necessary
  • Be responsible and accountable for your communications. Do not post or share any content that violates the rules of field hockey, the code of conduct, the disciplinary procedures, the safeguarding policy or any other policy or regulation of Hawks HC or the national or regional hockey association. You are personally liable for the consequences of your actions online
  • Be mindful of your audience and your impact. Do not post or share any content that could damage the reputation or image of Hawks HC or the sport of field hockey. Consider how your communications could be perceived by others, especially by children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Use appropriate language, tone, and style for your intended audience

The following guidelines provide some practical advice and examples for using social media in relation to Hawks HC or its activities.

Official use of social media

Official use of social media refers to any use of social media by Hawks HC or its authorised representatives (such as staff, team managers, coaches, or committee members) to communicate on behalf of Hawks HC or its activities. Examples of official use of social media include:

  • Creating and maintaining a Facebook page, WhatsApp Group, X account, Instagram account, YouTube channel, blog, or website for Hawks HC or its teams, events, or programs
  • Posting or sharing news, updates, announcements, photos, videos, or other content related to Hawks HC or its activities on any social media platform
  • Responding to comments, questions, feedback, or complaints from the public or the media on any social media platform

The following guidelines apply to the official use of social media:

  • Only authorised representatives of Hawks HC can use social media on behalf of Hawks HC or its activities. The authorisation must be obtained from the relevant Hawks HC committee or manager
  • The authorised representatives must follow the principles and policies of Hawks HC and the national or regional hockey association when using social media on behalf of Hawks HC or its activities
  • The authorised representatives must use the official Hawks HC logo, name, and imagery when creating or maintaining any social media account or platform for Hawks HC or its activities. The logo, name, and imagery must not be altered, modified, or used for personal purposes without the permission of the Hawks HC Committee
  • The authorised representatives must ensure that the content posted or shared on any social media account or platform for Hawks HC or its activities is relevant, accurate, timely, and consistent with the mission, vision, and values of Hawks HC and the sport of field hockey
  • The authorised representatives must monitor and moderate any comments, questions, feedback, or complaints from the public or the media on any social media account or platform for Hawks HC or its activities. The authorised representatives must respond appropriately and professionally, and refer any complex or sensitive issues to the relevant Hawks HC committee or manager
  • The authorised representatives must report any breaches or violations of this policy or any other policy or regulation of Hawks HC or the national or regional hockey association to the HCWA relevant committee or manager

Personal use of social media
Personal use of social media refers to any use of social media by Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters for their own personal purposes, whether or not they are related to Hawks HC or its activities. Examples of personal use of social media include:

  • Creating and maintaining a personal Facebook profile, WhatsApp group, X account, Instagram account, YouTube channel, blog, or website
  • Posting or sharing personal opinions, views, experiences, photos, videos, or other content on any social media platform
  • Commenting, liking, following, or engaging with other users or content on any social media platform

The following guidelines apply to the personal use of social media:

  • Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters are free to use social media for their own personal purposes, as long as they follow the principles and policies of Hawks HC and the national or regional hockey association
  • Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters must not use social media to impersonate or falsely represent Hawks HC or any individual or group associated with Hawks HC or its activities. If they choose to identify themselves as Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, or supporters on any social media platform, they must make it clear that they are speaking in their personal capacity and not on behalf of Hawks HC or its activities
  • Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters must not use social media to disclose or share any confidential, sensitive, or personal information about Hawks HC or any individual or group associated with Hawks HC or its activities, without their consent or authorisation
  • Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters must not use social media to harass, bully, intimidate, or threaten Hawks HC or any individual or group associated with Hawks HC or its activities, or to incite or encourage others to do so
  • Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters must respect the intellectual property rights of Hawks HC and any individual or group associated with Hawks HC or its activities, and must not use, copy, or distribute any logo, name, imagery, or content without their permission or acknowledgment

Hawks HC takes this policy seriously and expects all social media users to comply with it. Any breach or violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership, employment, or contract, or legal action, depending on the nature and severity of the breach or violation. Hawks HC reserves the right to remove or report any content that violates this policy or any other policy or regulation of Hawks HC or the national or regional hockey association.

This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically by the relevant Hawks HC committee or manager, in consultation with the Hawks HC members, staff, coaches, players, and supporters, and in accordance with any changes in the rules, regulations, or best practices of Hawks HC or the national or regional hockey association.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about this policy, or if you wish to report any breach or violation of this policy, please contact the relevant Hawks HC committee or manager.

If you have any questions about our policies or can make suggestions of where we can improve, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: [email protected]
